The Experienced Immigration Law Team at Zohar Law in NYC Can Help You Make America Your Home
El Programa de Inmigrantes Inversionistas, también conocido como “EB-5” fue creado por el Congreso en 1990 con el fin de estimular la economía estadounidense a través de la creación de empleos y la inversión de capital por parte de inversionistas extranjeros. El objetivo es que empresarios extranjeros (junto con sus esposos/as e hijos solteros menores de edad) puedan obtener la residencia permanente o Green Card mediante la realización de una inversión de una cantidad considerable de capital. Esta inversión debe generar como mínimo 10 empleos a tiempo completo para ciudadanos estadounidenses, residentes permanentes o cualquier extranjero con estatus legal en Estados Unidos, sin incluir el inversionista o su familia.
Futuros inversionistas también pueden aplicar para la clasificación de visas EB-5 mediante la inversión a través de centros regionales designados por USCIS a base de propuestas para promover el crecimiento económico. Aquellos interesados en este tipo de visa deberán invertir de $500 mil hasta $1 millón en compañías estadounidenses.
En comparación a la visa E-2, la visa EB-5 le otorga al inversionista extranjero una vía para obtener la residencia permanente o Green Card en este país. Inicialmente, la residencia adquirida es válida por dos años y de manera condicional ya que es otorgada en base a la inversión en un nuevo negocio. Una vez que el inversionista pueda demostrar que su empresa en la que invirtió podrá contratar al menos diez empleados, entonces tendrá mejor probabilidad de mantener su residencia. De lo contrario, la misma será cancelada. Este programa resulta muy atractivo para inversionistas extranjeros y ya que requiere fuertes cantidades de dinero como inversión, este tipo de visas tiende a prestarse a varios tipos de fraude y mal uso. Por esta razón los requerimientos para calificar son muy estrictos así que estar correctamente asesorado es vital.
Las oficinas de Zohar Law PLLC están ubicadas en la ciudad de Nueva York. Nuestros abogados de inmigración cuentan con la experiencia para proporcionar el mejor servicio al cliente. Nuestra meta principal es mantener familias unidas y ayudar a nuestros clientes abriéndoles las puertas de este país para las metas que se hayan propuesto. Para mas información, no dude en contactarnos llenando el formulario y llamando directamente a nuestras oficinas. Hablamos inglés, hebreo, árabe y español.

- The EB-5 visa is an immigrant visa, which means it is meant to provide a permanent resident card
- You must invest in an American company
- Your investment must produce, or save, 10 jobs for American workers
- You must provide proof of the jobs after being in the United States for 2 years

EB-5 Visa
The EB-5 is a program where entrepreneurs with their spouses and unmarried children are able to apply for a green card if they make investments toward a business in the United States as well as proceed to create or save 10 full-time permanent jobs for American workers. The program is named after the employment-based fifth preference visa that people who are in the program receive. It was created in 1990 to help to stimulate the economy in America through creating more jobs and in turn, capital investment by investors who are from other countries. Additionally, two years later Congress decided to create a program called the Immigrant Investor Program to help those who are participating in EB-5 to invest in commercial enterprises who are associated with regional centers that have approved of proposals for economic growth by the USCIS. Investors who apply for this green card have a specific amount they have to invest in with a United States company of $500,000 to $1 million.
As opposed to E-2 visa, which is a non-immigrant visa, EB-5 is made to live in the United State permanently; however, it expires after two years. The EB-5 is a conditional green card because it’s business based. If you can show that there is a likelihood that the company you invested in is able to hire the appropriate amount of workers within two years, then you’re able to continue to have your green card under the EB-5. If you’re unable to show that the business you invested in is able to hire the proper amount of workers within two years, then your green card will be canceled. Additionally, just because you want to be an investor to an American company doesn’t mean you’ll be accepted for an EB-5. Like every visa or green card, nothing is guaranteed. The USCIS can reject people who apply to this category because the eligibility is so small. Additionally, this category of a green card has a history of fraud and misuse, which is why it can be a little more difficult to obtain from the EB-5 program. Lastly, if you are able to invest in a for-profit American company and demonstrate that you are a part of the process, then you don’t need to get any experience of business training.
Zohar Law PLLC is a law firm located in New York City. As an immigration law firm, we’re able to help you gain green cards, visas, and offer some immigration services you may need. We want to help keep families together, not see them torn apart. We want to help those who want to live in America and flourish. It can be hard being an immigrant, but when you have an immigration lawyer who is experienced, trustworthy, and able to help you achieve success, then you can have more opportunities at your disposal. For further information about how we can help you, don’t hesitate to contact us by filling out the form below. We also speak Arabic and Hebrew.
Immigration law and government policies regarding visas, the right to work and deportation.

Backed by years of knowledge and experience, the immigration lawyers at Zohar Law Firm in Manhattan provides unparalleled legal services that protect the rights of those immigrating to this country. Find out what makes us the chosen firm of New York families.

Covering all matters of immigration law, including visa assignment, green cards and deportation, the legal team at Zohar Law firm in Manhattan is prepared to handle all immigration issues with creativity and personalized attention to best suit your needs.

Operating out of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Zohar Law Firm welcomes those who look to become US citizens and those who prefer to work and live here. Within close proximity to the immigration building and courthouse in lower Manhattan, we support the highly-diversified population of the region with pride.

From assistance with visa applications to help with deportation issues, our client-focused legal team is now taking new clients. Please contact us for a comprehensive legal consultation. We are the preferred team of immigration attorneys serving an international clientele.
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